Available for Hub Inventory Small, Midsized, and Huge licenses.
In this article, we cover everything related to what you sell online through a MarketRock-supported distribution channel: your Offers.
First, it's important to understand that Amazon product listings, eBay listings, individual product pages on Shopify, and generally any item available for purchase online are referred to as Offers in MarketRock terminology.
For MarketRock, Offers correspond to the items you sell online.
The Products in your MarketRock Inventory can be:
- Linked to Offers: In this case, receiving an Order updates the stock in your Warehouse.
- Synchronized with Offers: In this case, changes in Price or Stock Quantity in your Inventory will update the corresponding Offer on the distribution channel.
This article details everything about MarketRock's Offers and all related functions, especially concerning the Inventory. The topics covered include:
- Buttons and their functions
- Preliminary Configuration
- Importing Offers from a Distribution Channel
- Creating MarketRock Inventory from Imported Offers
- Linking Offers to Existing Products in MarketRock Inventory
- Unlinking Offers from Previously Linked Products
Buttons and Their Functions
MarketRock’s interface is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. Below is a brief description of the functions related to the buttons found in the Offers section.
- Download Offers
- Create Product from Offer
- Link Offer to Existing Product
- Unlink Offer from Existing Product
Preliminary Configurations
Before you start using the Offers function, you will need to perform a quick configuration.
This configuration serves to:
- Connect the Distribution Channels from which you want to import the Offers.
- This way, we can access the information on your Amazon Seller Central, your Shopify back office, your My eBay section, and all the data used for that specific Distribution Channel.
- Create Price Lists
- With this configuration, you prepare the system to import the Prices you have on the Distribution Channel from which you are importing the Offers.
Importing Offers from a Distribution Channel
Importing Offers from a Distribution Channel is simple.
Simply select the Distribution Channel from which you want to import the Offers, then choose the country and finally the user you previously linked.
The import progress is visible in the Activity Log.
Creating MarketRock Inventory from Imported Offers
MarketRock provides a powerful tool to create Inventory from Offers imported from a Distribution Channel.
It doesn’t matter whether your products are on Amazon, Shopify, or both, or even on other Channels: you can import Offers and create Products in your MarketRock Inventory.
By doing so, you can:
- Link them to Offers (to enable Warehouse stock movement for every received Order).
- Synchronize them (so that Price and Available Quantity of the Offers update based on the Products in your MarketRock Inventory).
How to Create Products from Offers
- Select an Offer and click Create.
- MarketRock will ask which SKU to use, suggesting the SKU retrieved from the Distribution Channel.
- Click OK to add the Product to MarketRock Inventory.
You can create multiple products at once by repeating the steps on selected Offers.
Linking Offers to Products Already Present in MarketRock Inventory
The Products you have in MarketRock Inventory can be linked to the corresponding Offer.
Why Link Offers to Products?
- Linking allows MarketRock to recognize an incoming Order, updating the Stock Quantity accordingly.
- When an Offer is not linked to a Product, MarketRock cannot identify the item, and as a result, cannot update the Stock Quantity.
- Orders containing unlinked Offers will display a yellow warning triangle with the message: "Item not in catalog."
For more details on Order Management, refer to this dedicated article.
How to Link an Offer to a Product
- Select an Offer and click Link.
- MarketRock will ask which SKU to use, suggesting the one retrieved from the Distribution Channel.
- Click OK to confirm the link.
You can link multiple Offers at once by repeating this process for selected Offers.
Unlinking Offers from Previously Linked Products
The action of unlinking one or more Offers from linked Products has the opposite effect of linking.
Specifically, unlinking an Offer from a Product results in two consequences:
- MarketRock can no longer recognize incoming Orders, making it impossible to update the Stock Quantity.
- Price and Available Quantity synchronization between the Product and its Offers on the Distribution Channel is disabled.