Products: Everything You Need to Know

Available for Hub Inventory Small, Midsized, and Huge licenses.


In this article, we cover everything you need to know about managing the Products you have entered in the MarketRock Inventory.

The first and most important distinction to make about Products is between Parent Products and Variant Products.

  • Parent Products are simply an aggregation of multiple Variant Products. Their purpose is to allow you to view different Products in a single screen when they share common characteristics.

  • Variant Products differ in a single detail (e.g., color) compared to others. Grouping them under a single SKU establishes a link between them.

Variant Product codes often share a common root with the Parent Product. For example, the codes 001_M_XL and 001_M_XXL are Variant Products of the Parent Product with code 001.

There is another category called Bundle Products, which are composed of different products grouped together for commercial purposes. A Bundle Product could be "Motor Oil Can" + "Engine Filter."

A Bundle Product must have a unique SKU distinct from the individual products that make it up. For example, a Bundle Product containing "Motor Oil Can" (SKU 001) + "Engine Filter" (SKU 002) must have a new, separate SKU (e.g., SKU 003).

MarketRock manages all types of Products:

  • Single Products

  • Parent and Variant Products

  • Bundle Products

This article will also cover aspects related to synchronization and distribution, as changes to a Product in MarketRock Inventory can impact what is available on a distribution channel.

The structure of this guide:

  1. Buttons and Their Functions

  2. Creating a Product

  3. Modifying, Deleting, Cloning a Product

  4. Merging Two Products

  5. Organizing Products into Folders

  6. Importing and Exporting Products

Buttons and Their Functions

MarketRock's interfaces are known for being intuitive. Below is a brief description of the button functions available in the Products screen:

  • New Folder

  • Edit Folder

  • Delete Folder

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Product Creation and Management Buttons:

  • Create Products

  • Edit Products

  • Delete Products

  • Clone Products

  • Merge Products

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Import/Export and Other Functions:

  • Simple Import, New Synchronization, Synchronization Management

  • Export Product to CSV

  • Filter, Configure, Sort, Select, Refresh

Creating a Product

To create a Product, navigate to the main menu, click Products, then click Create Products.

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A dialog box opens with several tabs: Specifications, Name & Description, etc. Let's examine them individually:


  • Internal Name

  • Product Code

  • Item Condition (e.g., New, Used, Refurbished)

  • VAT (e.g., 4%, 10%, 22%)

  • Barcode Type (e.g., EAN-8, UPC-A, Code 128)

  • Brand

  • HS Code (Harmonized System Code)

  • Warehouse Location

HS Code is a numeric code used by customs to identify the type of goods being shipped.

Name and Description

  • Product Name

  • Short Description

  • Long Description

  • Condition Notes

  • Attribute Category


Here, you can upload images of the product.


Specify the stock quantity and sales price (or multiple price lists if applicable).

Amazon Logistics

This setting notifies Amazon that the product is stored in Amazon’s logistics center, ensuring that MarketRock does not send quantity updates that might affect the fulfillment type.

Weight & Dimensions

  • Product Dimensions + Packaging

  • Unpackaged Product Dimensions


Once you select the predefined Attribute Set, you can create a product variant.

Make sure to save each Variant separately before saving the overall product.


Define product compatibility attributes. This cannot be enabled if Variants are used.


Use this section to configure the product as a Bundle.


Enter an identifier like EAN, ASIN, or ePid, based on the marketplace.


Once saved, you can generate a QR code or share a direct link to the product.

Modifying, Deleting, Cloning a Product


Select the product, click the gear icon, make changes, and click OK.


Deleting a product may affect its listings on sales channels.


Select the product, click the Clone button, and assign a new SKU manually or automatically.

Merging Two or More Products

The Merge function serves three purposes:

  1. Creating a Parent Product from two or more Variants

  2. Merging multiple Products into a single entry

  3. Modifying an existing Product using details from others

Parent Product & Variants

  • Select the Products to merge and click Merge Products

  • Choose Parent Product and Variants

  • Assign a new SKU for the Parent Product

  • Click OK to finalize

Merging Products

  • Select the Products and click Merge Products

  • Choose Merge Products and click Next

  • Assign a new SKU (optional) and select a primary SKU for data conflicts

  • Choose which details to merge

Organizing Products into Folders

MarketRock allows organizing Products into Folders, which work like filters for better product management.

Manual Creation, Editing, and Deletion

  • Create a Folder: Click New Folder, enter a name, and confirm.

  • Edit a Folder: Select it, click Edit Folder, modify, and confirm.

  • Delete a Folder: Select the folder, click Delete Folder, and choose:

    • Only this Category

    • This Category and Subcategories

    • This Category, Related Categories, and Contained Products

Deleting products may result in their removal from sales channels.

Creating, Editing, and Deleting Folders via CSV Import

  • Go to MarketRock > Products > Synced Management

  • Select the price list to manage categories

  • Click Modify Subscription

  • Click Subscribe to a New Category

  • Import Categories via CSV

Importing and Exporting Products


Products can be imported in two ways:


For a custom export, use the Report Center function.