Available for Small, Midsized, and Huge Inventory Hub licenses.
MarketRock allows you to keep the stock quantities synchronized across the distribution channels where you sell your products because it tracks the Quantity you have in your warehouse for each individual product.
The available stock quantity is shared across all sales channels for an item. For example, imagine you have a product "SKU 001" with 3 units in stock. When you list the product on Amazon and Shopify, you will find that the available quantity on Amazon will be the same as the one on Shopify, i.e., 3 units.
The available stock quantity is shared across the sales channels where you sell your product.
The available stock quantity can vary for several reasons.
In this article, you will learn how MarketRock interprets warehouse management, following this outline.
Types of Warehouse Movements
The stock quantity can vary due to several different types of movements, some simply related to receiving an order. Others are less obvious because they come from:
- automated operations, such as an update that happens via API
- background operations, such as updates via a file
- cascading operations, where the stock movement of one product implies the stock movement of other products: this is the case with Variant Products and Bundle Products.
For the previous operations, you have less visibility, which is why MarketRock provides a “statement” of warehouse movements, allowing you to deduce from which movements the stock quantity that appears on MarketRock originates.
Click the Edit > Availability > Movements buttons to access the page with the warehouse “statement” of movements.
Movements can be of 3 different types:
- Depletion: When you receive an order on MarketRock, including manual orders.
- Adjustment: When you modify the stock quantity using the MarketRock interface.
- Automatic: This category includes movements resulting from:
- An adjustment due to the update of stock quantities via a file updated by the Synchronization Management.
- An adjustment due to the update of stock quantities via a file updated by Simple Import.
- An adjustment of a Bundle Product, which results from an adjustment of one or more components.
- An adjustment of a Parent Product, which results from an adjustment of one or more Variant Products.